Thursday, February 26, 2015

Upcoming Houston Authors Bash 2015-2nd Book Venue for me!

I'm excited to go to my 2nd venue as a children's book author!  I'll be one of the 100+ authors attending and selling books this coming Saturday, February 28, at the Houston Authors Bash.  I hope to meet all the new authors (or as many as I can) and make some new friends and contacts.  The organizers made all of us our own personalized posters for advertisement.  Here's mine:

Yes, I noticed my last name is misspelled.  At least it has all the right letters in it.  Growing up I have heard my last name pronounced all kinds of different ways, including throwing letters like L, N, C, K, etc. into it.  When we had a substitute teacher at school, or I'm at the doctor's office, and the nurse can't pronounce my last name, he or she will make up for that by making the last syllable of my first name extra long.  For instance, Sandraaaaaaaa.....or they'll start with the extra long first name and start with the B sound, i.e. Sandraaaaaa B.  Depending on my mood, I'll either save their embarrassed butts, or if I'm in a honery mood, I'll amuse myself and let them stew in their own juice for a bit.  Hey, I have to live with this name!  LOL

Anyway, I am thrilled to be part of this event and hope to sell all the books I'm taking and take orders for more.  In any regard, I'll be making new contacts and friends and networking with talented authors and the reading public.  Being an author is a lot of hard work, but I absolutely love it!   I'll post pics from the event later.

Here's to a GREAT day for all involved!  :)

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